Cartoon Topics
For many people, IT security is boring, dry and difficult to understand.
In our campaign ‘Humour against hacking, employees are involved and inspired. It works. The organisation's vulnerability diminishes as employees' awareness grows.
Watch the short demos on a selection of our 12 cartoons below.
CEO fraud
As banal as it may sound, it is extremely important that all employees know how to handle their passwords securely. Being messy or careless with passwords can have serious implications.
Lock your PC
Confidential information - in general
Confidential information - in e-mails
Secure storage of data
Travelling safely
When we leave the office with our computers, tablets and mobile phones, there are many situations where we need to be careful and pay special attention. This applies to both short trips and long journeys.
Personal Data and Regulations
EU Personal Data Regulations
The EU Personal Data Regulation GDPR is a huge challenge for organisations trading in Europe, because all employees need to know what it is about and what is required. In just two minutes, this video provides clarity.