EU personal data in two minutes
This is a 56 second excerpt. The full-length video cartoon of two minutes duration is password protected. To see it you’ll need to obtain a password from us.
Personal data can easily be misused, and with the Personal Data Regulation, the European Union now focuses on protecting the individual from abuse of personal data.
The EU Personal Data Regulation (GDPR) presents a huge challenge for all organisations, because GDPR affects all employees. They will all need to know what it is about – and what is required of their organisation. This short humorous cartoon from Kelsa Media provides an easy to understand guide for employees.

How GDPR matters for employees
“Oh no!,” is a rather common expression when the EU Personal Data Regulation is being mentioned. Because it is complex and difficult to understand.
We provide a simple, short introduction to a complicated topic. The EU Personal Data Regulation briefly explained with a video cartoon that doesn’t make you fall asleep.
The countdown is underway, and IT officers throughout the EU are aware they have to hurry up now. By 25th May 2018, small and large organisations must be able control the data flow and how they handle personal data within the organisation.
The film explains:
The film is ideally suited for Internet meetings and lectures as well as for direct viewing by the individual employee on their own computer.

How to purchase the video cartoon
You can purchase this video film for your organisation in two ways:
• Buy this video only – a link for streaming is provided to you
• Buy the video together with our other videos in an awareness pack about IT security, ‘Humor against hacking’
Either way, contact us for a quotation
Why has the European Union implemented the Personal Data Regulation?
The EU Parliament has been working for several years to establish guidelines for the protection of personal data for all citizens and now the legislation has been tightened in favour of the individual’s rights in a complex IT community.
Overall, the purpose of the GDPR is to protect the individual’s rights in the processing of personal data. GDPR asks how companies collect, process, protect and delete personal data. The EU aims to ensure that companies only collect the data they are allowed to store, that they treat this data properly and, in particular, delete it when it is no longer relevant. Therefore, all citizens are given ‘the right to be forgotten.’ under the assurance that organisations you have provided personal data to delete your data once it is no longer relevant.
Large Fines
Under the GDPR rules companies which have not been able to properly manage personal data may be fined. The size of the fines are unprecedented, a shock to the IT community when first announced and can be up to 4 per cent of the company's global annual turnover.
Conversation opener
Use the video for a brief introduction to the EU Personal Data Regulation and start the conversation with your employees
If you would like to purchase the cartoon-video 'EU Personal Data in Two Minutes' contact us below.
European milestone for personal data
How to start the conversation within the EU about personal data
The current EU directive on personal data protection was applied in 1998. The directive was governed by the national laws and the Personal Data Act came into force in Denmark in July 2000. The directive has only been amended a little since it was implemented but it has lived a quiet life without much attention. This is likely to change completely with the new Personal Data Regulation.
More control over own data
In January 2012, the European Commission presented a proposal for a personal data reform to accommodate the need for increased harmonisation of EU rules. This was based on a desire to support the digital single market. In addition, there was a need to strengthen the rights of data subjects by giving them greater control over their own data in line with the increase in information technology. The Commission proposal gave rise to a comprehensive discussion between the European Parliament, National Governments and the Commission.
It took four years to reach a political agreement on a text – which became publicly known in December 2015. The text was finally adopted in April 2016 with a two-year deadline for its implementation (May 2018).
The regulation is based on well-known principles.
It is far less extensive than the Commission had originally proposed. Nevertheless, it still contains a series of significant new elements and stricter rules. The Personal Data Regulation is referred to as a milestone in the EU Personal Data Agency.
Complexity in the detail
In Denmark, the Data Inspectorate has produced a guide for data controllers with a run through what they should be relating to already. It's a lot to digest. If you understand Danish, just take a look here:
Data Inspectorate's recommendations for preparation prior to the EU Data Protection Regulation
Additional focus on IT security
The extent of threats from IT criminals goes only one way. Up.
The Danish IT magazine Version 2 has described how GRPD can bring even greater profits to the hackers. This is another incentive for companies and organisations to provide effective awareness campaigns for employees, in order to ensure that everyone in the organisation becomes focused on IT security.

Humorous cartoon series: BIG money at stake
The film is part of ‘Humour against hacking’ – an effective awareness campaign for employees, which can be used in all types of companies and organisations in order to prevent becoming victim of an IT crime.
‘Humour against hacking’ inspires and teaches employees how they can help secure the organisation against attacks.
Employee awareness is key to prevent becoming a victim of IT crime
Video series
Nine effective and humous training cartoons to increase employee awareness plus new cartoons and other information two or three times a year as new topics become relevant.

Awareness campaign
The Humour Against Hacking campaign for your employees includes videos, quizzes, promotional material, campaign content and guide.