Humour against hacking - Kontakt Kelsa Media ‘Humour against hacking’ is an information campaign created by Kelsa Media in association with Geelong Media 

About Kelsa Media Kelsa Media is a professional media production company. We produce animated videos, films, photos, texts and home pages for many platforms. » Kelsa Media’s home page: [in Danish language]

Lis Kelså at Kelsa Media

Lis Kelså

Producer, owner of Kelsa Media » E-mail Lis Kelså

Mik Aidt

Producer, Geelong Media » E-mail Mik Aidt

Jonathan Wright

Website Developer, Geelong Media » E-mail Jonathan Wright

    We collaborate with a long list of great people and companies – both as working partners and as contributors for the 'Humour against hacking' campaign.

Kelsa Media and Lis Kelså – background Lis Kelså established Kelsa Media in 2000, at that time under the name Kelså Kommunikation. Customers at Kelsa Media were the Danish Broadcasting Corporation, magazines and publishers. Since then, many other types of customers have arrived at Kelsa Media. Lis Kelså is a producer and communications consultant. She has a journalistic background with 15 years of employment in the Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR) and 15 years of running an independent business. Kelsa Media’s key competence is Storytelling - for many platforms and many different topics, such as digital productions on IT security, business strategy, climate change, culture and children, and more.

» Lis Kelså’s CV with links to productions and statements from collaborators (PDF print-friendly version)