Phishing – the danger lurking in your inbox

The video clip above is a 30 second excerpt from a cartoon video of 1:30 minute duration.

Phishing is a fake e-mail from a criminal who hopes to steal your digital identity or get access to your accounts. It is important to learn what to look out for before clicking on a link in an e-mail.  This video cartoon helps to sharpen the employee's attention on the dangers and traps with so-called ‘phishing’.

Protection begins with awareness: Be aware, alert and awake before you click

The on-going phishing challenge
Every day our IT systems filter out large amounts of unauthorised e-mails as spam and phishing. But it has become more and more difficult to distinguish malicious mail from legitimate mail. Fraudsters have become adept at producing e-mails that look genuine, and they have learned to target their e-mails at specific employees.

Sooner or later one such phishing e-mail is certain to be landing in your inbox, and if it happens while you are in a hurry on a busy day, you may get caught out, unaware and not noticed anything suspicious.

The moment you click on a malicious link, open a malicious attachment or reply to an e-mail with information about your personal data or password, things can go seriously wrong very quickly.

Phishing attacks on the rise

According to IBM Threat Intelligence Index 2017, the volume of spam emails increased four times in 2016.

Facts about phishing

  • Phishing is scam mails where the sender tries to trick you to reveal your digital identity, passwords or account information. If the IT criminals succeed, they can steal money and information from you, they can install spyware on your computer or "milk" your organisation for confidential information and data.
  • Although our mail systems eliminate many malicious e-mails before they even reach your mailbox, there is always a risk that a few will slip directly into your inbox.
  • Therefore, pay attention every time you receive an e-mail. In particular be suspicious of anything that sounds like unusual good news, for example that you have won a big prize, which will be delivered to you only once you have entered your confidential password.

Humorous cartoon series: BIG money at stake

The film is part of ‘Humour against hacking’ – an effective awareness campaign for employees, which can be used in all types of companies and organisations in order to prevent becoming victim of an IT crime.
‘Humour against hacking’ inspires and teaches employees how they can help secure the organisation against attacks.

Employee awareness is key to prevent becoming a victim of IT crime
Video series

Nine effective and humous training cartoons to increase employee awareness plus new cartoons and other information two or three times a year as new topics become relevant.

See the full cartoon list

Awareness campaign

The Humour Against Hacking campaign for your employees includes videos, quizzes, promotional material, campaign content and guide.

Learn more about the campaign