Expensive mistakes with CEO Fraud
CEO Fraud – with a humorous twist
The video clip is a 40 second excerpt from a cartoon video of 1:30 minute duration.
CEO fraud is an increasingly common and viciously clever way of attacking a company with fake e-mails, where the IT criminal pretends to be, for example, the director of the company. With the director’s signature, an e-mail is sent to employees in the company, encouraging them to transfer money or send confidential documents urgently.
More and more companies fall into the CEO fraud trap and are being ripped off for large sums by IT criminals. Police have issued warnings to companies directly, especially to those companies which are trading internationally. We know of companies where an employee fell for the scam and transferred over $15,000 to the IT criminals.
The fraudsters have carefully investigated when and how this attack can be carried out successfully and are well prepared.
Awareness is key
We would like to see your company avoid this kind of fraud. The only way to do that is through awareness training of the company’s employees. This video, along with an accompanying quiz and graphic materials, is produced for the employees in companies and organisations.
Example case
Employees must be aware of fraud, can spot the warning signs and call a known person at the supplier to check whether the invoice is legitimate.
Humorous cartoon series: BIG money at stake
The film is part of ‘Humour against hacking’ – an effective awareness campaign for employees, which can be used in all types of companies and organisations in order to prevent becoming victim of an IT crime.
‘Humour against hacking’ inspires and teaches employees how they can help secure the organisation against attacks.
Employee awareness is key to prevent becoming a victim of IT crime
Video series
Nine effective and humous training cartoons to increase employee awareness plus new cartoons and other information two or three times a year as new topics become relevant.
Awareness campaign
The Humour Against Hacking campaign for your employees includes videos, quizzes, promotional material, campaign content and guide.